w360 - PrudENT Rhinoplasty and Facial Cosmetic Surgery - Page 13

Lip Lift Procedure

LIP LIFT An upper lip lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to reduce the distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose. The goal is to achieve a more youthful appearance of the upper lip and enhance the visibility of the upper teeth when smiling. A lip lift can reverse the tell-tale signs of ageing and often leads to a significant boost in self-confidence and self-esteem. Dr Sandeep and his team are experts in the field of facial aesthetic procedures, including lip lifts. When it comes to the incision involved in a lip lift, Dr Sandeep adopts a meticulous approach to ensure minimal scarring and optimal results. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire process for lip lift, from consultation to aftercare. LIP LIFT SURGICAL PROCEDURE PRE-OPERATIVE CONSULTATION Medical History: Dr Sandeep will review your medical history, including any previous surgeries, allergies, and medications you’re currently taking. Discussion: You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your aesthetic goals and expectations. This is the time to ask any questions you may have. Physical Examination: A detailed examination of your facial anatomy and ageing related changes will be performed to understand the specifics of your case. INFORMED CONSENT Risks, benefits, and alternatives are discussed in detail with the client, and written informed consent is obtained. ANAESTHESIA Local Anaesthesia: If only lip lift is being performed it can be performed under local anaesthesia which numbs the specific area where the procedure will take place. General Anesthesia: Puts you to sleep for the duration of the procedure. General anaesthesia is preferred if lip lift is combined with a face lift or other facial rejuvenation procedures. INCISION PLANNING There are various techniques for making the incision, but the most commonly employed are the “bullhorn” or “gullwing” incisions, which are made along the natural crease at the base of the nose. This allows for the concealment of any potential scars. SKIN REMOVAL AND TIGHTENING During the consultation Dr Sandeep will discuss the amount of excess skin that will be removed based on pre-determined measurements. The amount of skin to be excised will be accurately marked on the lip prior to surgery. Dr Sandeep is highly skilled in determining the ideal length, depth, and positioning of the incision to achieve the desired lift while minimizing risks. MUSCLE ADJUSTMENT Minor adjustments may be made to the orbicularis oris muscle in the lip for better results. SUTURING The incision is usually closed with sutures that are either dissolvable or need to be removed. POST-OPERATIVE CARE Dr Sandeep and his team are diligent in post-operative care, providing detailed instructions on how to manage swelling and discomfort, as well as how to care for the incision site to promote healing and reduce the visibility of any scarring. Ice Packs: To manage swelling. Soft Diet: Recommended for a few days post-surgery. Oral Antibiotics: May be prescribed to prevent infection. FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENTS: FOR MONITORING RECOVERY AND DISCUSSING ANY CONCERNS. Suture Removal: If non-dissolvable sutures are used, they are removed 7 days after surgery. Touch-up Procedures: Rarely, some clients may require additional minor touch-up procedures for fine-tuning of the results. ADVANTAGE OF LIP LIFT Dr Sandeep and his team are well-versed in the myriad benefits that a lip lift procedure can offer. When clients consult with them, they are provided with a comprehensive understanding of how a lip lift can enhance their facial aesthetics. Here are some advantages of the procedure, as outlined by Dr Sandeep and his expert team: IMPROVED PROPORTION AND BALANCE One of the primary benefits of a lip lift is that it can improve the proportion and balance between the upper lip and other facial features. This creates a more harmonious and youthful appearance. REDUCED PHILTRUM LENGTH Some people have a long philtrum (the space between the upper lip and the base of the nose), either due to ageing or due to their natural lip anatomy. A lip lift can effectively shorten this distance, contributing to a younger and fresher look. ENHANCED TOOTH SHOW A subtle but appealing advantage of a lip lift is the slight exposure of the upper teeth when the mouth is slightly open or during speech, which is often considered a sign of youth and vitality. PERMANENT RESULTS Unlike dermal fillers, which require periodic maintenance, a lip lift offers a permanent solution to a thin or elongated upper lip. NATURAL LOOK Dr Sandeep aims for a natural look, avoiding the ‘overdone’ appearance that can sometimes result from dermal fillers. The lip lift procedure lifts the client’s own tissue, which tends to result in a more natural texture and contour. QUICK RECOVERY The procedure is generally performed under local anaesthesia and is relatively quick, with most clients experiencing a swift recovery period. If the procedure is performed in combination with a facelift, a general anaesthesia is usually employed. BOOSTED SELF-CONFIDENCE Finally, but certainly not least, the aesthetic improvements achieved through a lip lift often leads to a significant boost in self-confidence and self-esteem. For anyone considering a lip lift, a consultation with Dr Sandeep and his team is the first step towards understanding how this procedure can meet individual aesthetic goals. They are committed to providing personalised care and expert guidance throughout the entire process. POTENTIAL RISKS AND DISADVANTAGE OF LIP LIFT Dr Sandeep and his team believe in providing a balanced and comprehensive overview of any procedure, including lip lift. While the advantages are numerous, it’s equally important to understand the potential downsides. Here are some of the disadvantages that Dr Sandeep and his expert team usually discuss with their clients: SCARRING RISK Even though Dr Sandeep utilises advanced techniques to minimise scarring, there is always a risk of scar formation, particularly if the client has a history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring. Dr Sandeep advises sun avoidance and prescribes silicone gel and sun block to help achieve an imperceptible scar. DOWNTIME AND RECOVERY Though the recovery period is typically short, some swelling, bruising, and discomfort can be expected. This

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Septoplasty Surgery and Procedure

SEPTOPLASTY TECHNIQUES Over the years, various techniques have been developed and refined by Dr Sandeep to address simple to complex septal deviations. Here’s an overview of the primary techniques used by Dr Sandeep in septoplasty. TRADITIONAL SEPTOPLASTY The deviated portions of the septum are either removed, realigned, or reshaped to achieve a straight septum. SUBMUCOUS RESECTION (SMR) This is a traditional technique where the aim is to preserve as much of the supportive structure of the septum as possible while removing the deviated parts. CARTILAGE SCORING This technique involves making strategic cuts or scores in the cartilage without removing it. These scores make the cartilage more malleable, allowing it to be reshaped and straightened. CARTILAGE GRAFTING In cases where a significant portion of the septal cartilage needs to be removed or if there’s a septal perforation, cartilage grafts (from the ear or rib) may be used to provide structural support. SPREADER GRAFTS These are thin strips of cartilage placed between the septum and the upper lateral cartilages. They are often used to correct internal nasal valve collapse and dorsal septal deviations. BATTEN GRAFTS These are used to provide strength and support to the septum that is deviated due to an intrinsically weak cartilage which has bent under the weight of the overlying nasal structures. SUTURING TECHNIQUES Strategic placement of sutures can help in straightening mild deviation of the cartilaginous portion. ENDOSCOPIC SEPTOPLASTY Using nasal endoscopes provides better visualization, especially for posterior deviations. This approach is less invasive and allows for more precise corrections of localized deviations but may not be suitable for major deviations requiring reconstructive septoplasty. SEPTORHINOPLASTY Indicated when both the nasal septum and nasal bones are deviated. It addresses nasal obstruction and straightens a crooked nose effectively. It is suitable for more complex anatomical nasal deviations, where septoplasty is ineffective or likely to unsuccessful. Traditional septoplasty may be insufficient if the deviation is: More pronounced towards the caudal end (closer to the tip of the nose). Along the dorsum (the top or bridge) of the nose. Septorhinoplasty combines cosmetic and functional correction EXTRACORPOREAL SEPTOPLASTY Extracorporeal septoplasty is a specialized technique in septoplasty where the entire nasal septum is temporarily removed. Deviated portions can be removed or reshaped, and the septum is straightened. This often involves using sutures, scoring techniques, or cartilage grafts to achieve a straight, functional septum. The reconstructed septum is then re-inserted into the nose and sutured back to the remaining caudal and dorsal struts. This approach is particularly useful for clients with complex septal deformities where traditional septoplasty techniques might not provide satisfactory results. Dr Sandeep learned this procedure during his European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery Fellowship under Professor Wolfgang Gubisch, who first described this procedure, and has developed particular expertise in it over the years, treating many clients who had failed Septoplasty in other institutions. THE SEPTOPLASTY PROCEDURE DETAILED PREPARATION Prior to the procedure, Dr Sandeep will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the septal deviation, including a meticulous review of the client’s medical history and a detailed physical examination. This evaluation typically involves the use of a nasal endoscope and diagnostic imaging techniques such as CT scans to fully understand the extent and impact of the deviation. ANAESTHESIA While septoplasty can be performed under local anaesthesia with sedation, general anaesthesia is often preferred to ensure the client’s comfort. SURGICAL APPROACH In traditional septoplasty the approach is through an incision inside the nostril, the mucosal lining covering the septal cartilage is carefully lifted. This provides direct access to the deviated cartilage and bone. If septorhinoplasty approach is used an incision is made across the columella (the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils, allowing the surgeon to lift the skin and access the nasal structures directly. This approach provides better visibility and precision, allows the surgeon to lift the skin off the nose and work on the internal structures. CORRECTION The deviated portions are strategically reshaped, realigned, removed, replaced, or bolstered. The goal is to straighten the septum without compromising its structural integrity so that the nasal breathing is improved, and the nose shape is maintained or enhanced. FINISHING UP The mucosal lining is repositioned and sutured back into place. Sutures are placed to quilt the lining to the cartilage to aid in healing and prevent complications like septal haematoma. Soft nasal packs are inserted to reduce postoperative bleeding, these are removed after a few hours. Dr Sandeep rarely uses internal splints to stabilize the septum. Any external incisions are sutured. POSTOPERATIVE JOURNEY IMMEDIATE RECOVERY Clients might feel groggy as the anaesthesia wears off. Breathing might feel obstructed due to internal swelling and any packing or splints. MANAGING DISCOMFORT Mild to moderate pain, swelling, and nasal congestion are common. Pain medications and cold compresses can help manage these symptoms. ACTIVITY RESTRICTIONS Clients are advised to avoid strenuous activities, nose blowing, contact sports and wearing glasses directly on the nasal bridge for a few weeks. NASAL DOUCHE Helps to clear the nose of any secretions, blood clots and crusts, aids in healing, while minimizing the risk of infection. FOLLOW-UP VISITS These are crucial to monitor healing, address any concerns, and remove sutures or splints. POTENTIAL COMPLICATIONS As with any surgical intervention, septoplasty carries potential risks and complications. Here’s a detailed look at the complications associated with septoplasty: Immediate Bleeding: Some postoperative bleeding is expected, but excessive bleeding can be a concern and may require intervention, including readmission. Septal Hematoma Formation: A collection of blood, known as a hematoma, can form between the septal cartilage and its overlying lining, the mucoperichondrium. This can compromise the blood supply to the cartilage, leading to cartilage death, if not promptly drained. Infection: Infections after septoplasty are rare but can be serious. Symptoms might include increased pain, swelling, fever, and discharge from the nose. Septal Abscess: A collection of pus between the septal cartilage and its mucosal covering. It requires drainage and antibiotics. Septal Perforation: A hole can develop in the septum postoperatively. This can lead to symptoms

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Management of Septal Perforation

MANAGEMENT OF SEPTAL PERFORATION DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES MEDICAL HISTORY Dr Sandeep takes a detailed medical history to assess the overall health of the client and assess the cause of perforation. Client’s functional and aesthetic needs are assessed to aid in planning management. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Initially, a functional and aesthetic nasal examination is done to assess the nose. This involves: Endoscopy: A nasal endoscopic examination is performed for a more detailed view of the septum and other internal nasal structures. This helps to identify any pathology that may be leading to the perforation. Chest X-rays, CT scan or MRI: These imaging tests may be necessary for a complete evaluation and to rule out other conditions like tumours and Wegener’s granulomatosis. Blood tests: These may be performed to rule out an inflammatory cause for the septal perforation. Biopsy: The nasal mucosa may be biopsied if a tumour, chronic infection, or chronic inflammatory disease. Allergy Testing: To rule out ongoing allergies that could complicate the healing process. Read more about the causes and symptoms of Septal perforation here>> (Place link to Nasal Septal Perforation webpage here.) TREATMENT OPTIONS CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT SALINE SPRAYS Helps to keep the area moist and free of crusts. HUMIDIFIERS To prevent the nasal passages from drying out. CORTICOSTEROID CREAM May help in reducing inflammation. ANTIBIOTIC OINTMENTS Can prevent secondary infections. SEPTAL BUTTONS These are less invasive and can be good short-term solution to reduce symptoms. SURGICAL CLOSURE Surgery for nasal septal perforation is usually considered a last-resort treatment when other conservative methods have failed to provide relief or when the perforation is large and causing significant symptoms. Here’s a more detailed overview: LOCAL FLAP SURGERY This is Dr Sandeep’s preferred method for closure of septal perforations. Dr Sandeep harvests tissue flaps made from mucosal tissue lining from inside the two nasal cavities to close the perforation. The flaps may be rotated or advanced to achieve the desired result. INTERPOSITIONAL GRAFTING A graft is placed between the two mucosal layers around the perforation. This provides an additional layer between the flaps and helps in closing the perforation and reduces the risk of reperforation significantly. Commonly used grafts include bone or cartilage harvested from the back of the septum (if available) or cartilage from the ear or rib. Temporalis fascia harvested from the lining of the temporalis muscle, or AlloDerm or similar graft is another option. SURGICAL PROCEDURE Anesthesia Assessment: The surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia. Pre-anaesthesia check-up to assess fitness for anaesthesia. Incision: The procedure can be performed by making internal nasal incisions when the septal perforation is small. However, for most client’s Dr Sandeep prefers an external approach, which involves making a tiny incision in the party wall between the two nostrils along with some internal nasal incisions. This provides the greatest exposure during the surgery. Preparation: The margins of the perforation are usually freshened to facilitate better healing. Closure Technique: Local flaps and Interpositional grafting are used for closure of the perforation. Additional Measures: Sometimes, a temporary packing or a splint may be placed to support the repair. Monitoring: Initial recovery and monitoring in a post-anaesthesia care unit. Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments will be necessary to monitor healing, perform nasal toilet, assess the long-term success of the procedure, and manage any complications. Antibiotics: May be prescribed to prevent infection. Nasal Irrigation: Regular cleaning of the nasal passages with saline solution to promote healing. Avoidance of Nasal Irritants: Including smoke and harsh chemicals. POTENTIAL RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS Failure to Close the Perforation: In some cases, the surgical procedure may not successfully close the perforation. Sometimes the graft or flap may not fully integrate, leaving a residual perforation. Often, despite closure of the perforation the symptoms may be minimized if the perforation becomes smaller in size. Recurrence: Even after successful surgery, there’s a possibility that a perforation could recur, necessitating additional procedures. Localized Infection: The surgical site itself may become infected, requiring antibiotic treatment. Systemic Infection: Although rare, infections can spread to other parts of the body, leading to more serious issues. Immediate Bleeding: Excessive bleeding can occur during or immediately after the surgery, requiring immediate intervention. Delayed Bleeding: Some clients may experience slow, ongoing bleeding, which may necessitate further treatment. Altered or lost sense of smell and taste. Anesthesia Risks Internal Scarring: Scar tissue may form around the surgical site, causing issues like blockage or narrowing of the nasal passages. External Scarring: There’s a risk of visible scarring if a trans columellar incision heals poorly. Septal Hematoma: Collection of blood within the septum can occur, requiring drainage. Septal Deformity: Altered structure can result from the surgery, affecting the shape and function of the nose. PRECAUTIONS Avoid Nose Picking: This can exacerbate the condition. Limit Over the Counter Decongestant Nasal Sprays: Stick to a doctor’s prescription. Allergy Management: Properly treating allergic rhinitis can prevent further damage. Prompt Treatment: Address any symptoms or signs of infection quickly. Before opting for surgery, it’s crucial to discuss all options, possible complications, and expected outcomes with Dr Sandeep. Surgery is generally considered only when the benefits outweigh the potential risks and after all conservative options have been exhausted. The key to successful treatment often lies in a comprehensive preoperative assessment, a well-executed surgical procedure by an experienced surgeon, and diligent postoperative care. If you have a nasal septal perforation which is symptomatic, please consult Dr Sandeep for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your condition. RESTORE YOUR NASAL HARMONY: BOOK YOUR SEPTAL PERFORATION CONSULTATION TODAY! Reclaim comfort in your breathing with a specialized Septal Perforation treatment. If you’re experiencing nasal whistling, crusting, or airflow disruption due to a septal perforation, a bespoke consultation with Dr Sandeep can guide you to a solution tailored to your needs. Journey with us towards restoring your nasal function and comfort. Our treatment options are designed to repair the perforation, enhancing both the structure and the function of your nasal passages. Feel the difference a repaired septal perforation can make to your respiratory health,

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Why Should I Choose Dr Sandeep for My Facial Plastic Surgery?

WHY SHOULD I CHOOSE DR SANDEEP FOR MY FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY? PERSONALIZED PATIENT CARE Dr Sandeep doesn’t see his patients as just another case. He understands the emotional and psychological implications of undergoing facial surgery. By taking the time to truly listen, he ensures that the surgical outcomes align with the patient’s desires and self-image. A HOLISTIC APPROACH Beyond the technicalities of surgery, Dr Sandeep and his team prioritize the overall well-being of their patients. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, every step is designed to ensure patients feel supported, informed, and confident in their decisions. YOUR HAPPINESS, OUR PRIORITY Dr Sandeep’s mission is to help his clients embark on a transformative journey that not only refines their facial features but also elevates their self-confidence and self-worth. Dr Sandeep’s meticulous approach to cosmetic enhancement is designed to bring your inner strength and beauty to the forefront, instilling a newfound confidence that resonates in every aspect of life. Through personalized care and exceptional skill, he ensures that the enhancements serve not just your aesthetic desires but also nurture a deeper sense of self-appreciation and assurance in your personal and professional worlds. MODERN TECHNIQUES Staying updated with the latest advancements in the field, Dr Sandeep employs state-of-the-art techniques and tools, ensuring patients receive the best possible care and outcomes. Choosing a surgeon to trust your face to is a significant decision, one that impacts not just your appearance but also your self-confidence and well-being. With Dr Sandeep, you’re not just getting a surgeon; you’re getting a dedicated partner in your journey towards enhanced self-assurance and aesthetic satisfaction. EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE Dr Sandeep’s three decades of experience isn’t just a testament to his longevity in the field, but also to the vast array of cases he’s handled. Over the years, he’s encountered a myriad of facial structures, challenges, and unique patient needs. This extensive experience means he’s well-equipped to handle a diverse range of surgical requirements, from the most straightforward to the highly complex. ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS Beyond his hands-on surgical experience, Dr Sandeep’s contributions to 35 peer-reviewed articles, many book chapters and authoring and editing 2 books highlight his commitment to advancing the field. This indicates his dedication to research, innovation, and the continuous improvement of surgical techniques. COMPREHENSIVE CERTIFICATION Being board-certified in both Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, along with having a PhD and Fellowship in advanced rhinology, means Dr Sandeep has undergone rigorous training and examinations in these specialties. This dual certification and fellowship ensure he possesses a deep understanding of both the functional and aesthetic aspects of Facial Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. REPUTATION AND TESTIMONIALS Over the years, Dr Sandeep has built a reputation not just for his surgical prowess but also for the genuine care he extends to his patients. The testimonials and feedback from previous patients provide invaluable insights into the kind of experience one can expect. PRACTICE LOCATIONS The ENT ClinicCamden Medical 1 Orchard Boulevard, 12th floor, #12-09, Singapore 248649 +65 6908 1886 +65 6908 1883 The ENT ClinicMount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre 38 Irrawaddy Road, #07-46/47, Singapore 329563 +65 6710 7522 +65 6710 7522 enquiry@entclinic.sg The ENT ClinicGleneagles Hospital 6A Napier Road, #03-41/42, Gleneagles Annexe Block Singapore 258500 +65 6251 6332 +65 6251 6305 glen@entclinic.sg

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Trichophytic Brow Lift

TRICHOPHYTIC BROW LIFT A trichophytic forehead lift, also known as a trichophytic brow lift or trichophytic hairline incision brow lift, is a surgical procedure designed to lift and rejuvenate the forehead and eyebrow region, producing natural-looking results. One of the main advantages of this technique is that it allows for the preservation and even regrowth of hair through the incision line, making the scar less noticeable. Here are the general steps involved in a trichophytic brow lift procedure, as conducted by Dr Sandeep and his skilled team: THE PROCEDURE CONSULTATION AND ASSESSMENT Dr Sandeep meets with his client to discuss their aesthetic goals and assesses the forehead, brow, and area around the eye. MEDICAL HISTORY REVIEW The team reviews your medical history to ensure you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. INFORMED CONSENT Risks, benefits, and alternatives are discussed in detail with the client, and written informed consent is obtained. PREOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS Detailed guidelines are provided to the patient to prepare them for surgery. ANAESTHESIA Depending on the patient’s needs and the extent of the procedure, local anaesthesia with sedation or general anaesthesia is administered. INCISION PLANNING Dr Sandeep places the trichophytic incision at, or slightly within, the hairline. This strategic placement serves two main purposes: it enables the elevation of the forehead and brow area while also reducing the visibility of any resultant scarring. The height of the forehead is also reduced to the aesthetic desires of the client. INCISION AND ELEVATION A significant benefit of employing this method is that it not only preserves the existing hair follicles but also allows for hair to regrow through the scar, thereby making it less conspicuous over time as well as camouflaging it. The skin and underlying tissue are elevated to expose the forehead muscles. MUSCLE AND TISSUE ADJUSTMENT During the trichophytic forehead lift, Dr Sandeep carefully removes excess skin and tissue from the forehead. The forehead skin is then lifted, and the underlying muscles are tightened to achieve a more youthful and elevated appearance of the eyebrows and forehead. This can help reduce the appearance of forehead wrinkles, frown lines, and sagging eyebrows. SKIN REDRAPING The skin is then redraped, and any excess skin is removed. SUTURE PLACEMENT The incision is closed with sutures and staples. IMMEDIATE AFTERCARE The patient is moved to a recovery area where they are closely monitored. FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENTS Scheduled meetings with Dr Sandeep and his team are arranged to monitor healing and remove sutures. POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS Guidelines for cleaning the incision, managing discomfort, and other post-surgical care are provided. REVIEW AND FINAL OUTCOME Once the healing process is complete, a final assessment is done to ensure the patient is satisfied with the results. Dr Sandeep and his team pride in offering a comprehensive and patient-centric approach, ensuring the highest level of care and satisfaction throughout the trichophytic brow lift process. ADVANTAGE OF TRICHOPHYTIC BROW LIFT Dr Sandeep and his team often recommend the trichophytic forehead lift for its multiple advantages. Here are some of the key benefits that make this technique a popular choice among patients seeking facial rejuvenation: MINIMALLY VISIBLE SCARRING The trichophytic incision is designed to allow hair to grow through the scar, making it less noticeable than traditional methods. NATURAL-LOOKING LIFT This technique provides a more natural lift to the forehead and eyebrows, avoiding an overly “pulled” appearance. LOWERING THE HAIRLINE Unlike other methods, trichophytic technique does alter the position of the hairline, thus helping to maintaining a more natural look. This type of brow lift is particularly useful to reduce the height of the forehead and lowering the hairline. This is particularly helpful in females with a high forehead or a receding hairline and helps to feminize the face further. This technique is also employed by Dr Sandeep in male patients with receding hairlines to lower the hairline. WRINKLE REDUCTION The procedure effectively minimises forehead wrinkles and frown lines. EYEBROW ELEVATION It elevates sagging eyebrows to a more youthful position. CUSTOMISABLE Dr Sandeep and his team can adapt the technique to suit individual facial structures and aesthetic goals. COMBINATION PROCEDURES It can be easily combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures like eyelid surgery or facelifts. REDUCED DOWNTIME Patients generally experience less postoperative discomfort and swelling, and a quicker return to normal activities. LONG-LASTING RESULTS The results of a trichophytic forehead lift tend to be long-lasting, providing enduring aesthetic improvement. SAFETY The refined technique carries a lower risk of nerve damage or other complications. Dr Sandeep and his team always prioritise patient safety and satisfaction. They offer in-depth consultations to discuss the advantages of the trichophytic forehead lift in the context of each patient’s unique needs and goals. DISADVANTAGE OF TRICHOPHYTICBROW LIFT While Dr Sandeep and his team often advocate for the trichophytic lift due to its numerous advantages, they are also committed to providing a balanced perspective to their patients. Here are some potential disadvantages associated with the trichophytic forehead lift: POTENTIAL FOR VISIBLE SCAR Despite the technique’s design to minimise visibility, there is still a risk that the scar may be noticeable, particularly if the patient has thinning hair or a receding hairline. LIMITED SUITABILITY This technique is not Ideal for all hair types. The effectiveness of the trichophytic incision in hiding the scar may vary depending on hair type and density. Patients with very receded hairlines or very thin scalp hair may not be suitable candidates for this technique. NOT SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE Patients with certain medical conditions or those who are not in good general health may not be suitable candidates for the procedure. POTENTIAL RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS OF TRICHOPHYTIC LIFT While it can be an effective way to improve the appearance of the forehead and eyebrows, like any surgical procedure, it comes with potential risks. Some of the risks of a trichophytic brow lift may include: NERVE DAMAGE Although rare, there is a risk of nerve damage leading to temporary or permanent numbness or tingling sensation along the forehead or scalp. Rarely the nerve that

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Temporal Brow Lift

TEMPORAL BROW LIFT A temporal brow lift, also referred to as temporal lift or lateral temporal lift, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that Dr Sandeep Uppal performs to improve the appearance of the brows and forehead. Dr Sandeep and his team often discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various procedures with their patients. For a temporal brow lift, they may point out the following: ADVANTAGES OF TEMPORAL BROW LIFT CUSTOMIZED RESULTS The lateral temporal lift procedure offers a range of effects, these include: Raises the outer part of the brow. Removes, or reduces hooding over the upper eyelids. Gives “sleepy” eyes a wider and more open appearance. Reduces the feeling of tiredness in the eyes. Reducing wrinkles and folds in the brow and forehead. Smooths “crow’s feet” around the eyes. TARGETED LIFTING Focuses specifically on elevating the outer corner of the brow which can droop or sag with age, instead of lifting the central forehead and brow, making it ideal for those who only require lifting in this specific area. NATURAL APPEARANCE It is ideal for patients who don’t want their frontal hairline pulled back. This technique is particularly beneficial in preventing a look that appears overly open-eyed or surprised. SMOOTHING EFFECTS Reduces wrinkles and folds in the brow, forehead, and corners of the eyes. AESTHETIC VARIETY Suitable for individuals desiring a more classic arched brow, regardless of age. REDUCED SCARRING Uses small, discreet incisions hidden within the hairline, resulting in minimal visible scarring. SHORT RECOVERY TIME Typically has a shorter recovery period compared to more extensive brow lifts. There is only minimal swelling and bruising associated with the procedure. LOCAL ANAESTHESIA Can often be performed under local anaesthesia and sedation, avoiding the need for general anaesthesia. VERSATILITY In a proportion of older patients, the temporal lift is often performed in conjunction with an eyelid lift, also known as a blepharoplasty, which enhances the appearance of the eyelids and eyes. It treats restriction of field of vision resulting from droopy brow and excess skin in the upper eyelid. The procedure is often combined with an endoscopic midface lift and a facelift to address sagging cheeks, face, and neck. COMPLEMENTARY TO OTHER PROCEDURES Can complement the effects of Botox and other injectables which are effective in treating deeper lines in the forehead and eyebrows. DISADVANTAGES OF TEMPORAL BROWLIFT Like any procedure temporal browlift also has certain limitations and disadvantages. These include: LIMITED SCOPE Does not address sagging or wrinkles in the central forehead and brow area. SUBOPTIMAL FOR SEVERE SAGGING For those with significant forehead or brow sagging, a more comprehensive brow lift may be required for optimal results. NOT A COMPLETE SOLUTION May not completely eliminate the need for other treatments like eyelid lift and facelift for a fully rejuvenated appearance. RESULTS As with all cosmetic procedures, the effects may diminish over time due to continued ageing and may require future interventions. Dr Sandeep and his team consider these factors carefully when discussing the suitability of a temporal brow lift with their patients. They aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of what the procedure can and cannot achieve, helping patients make well-informed decisions. Dr Sandeep and his expert team use this information to guide their patients in making an informed decision about undergoing a temporal brow lift, ensuring that the procedure aligns well with their aesthetic goals and medical history. STEPS OF THE TEMPORAL BROW LIFT PROCEDURE Dr Sandeep and his team are well-versed in the surgical procedure for a temporal brow lift. They typically outline the following steps to their patients to provide a comprehensive understanding of what the procedure entails: CONSULTATION The first step is a thorough consultation to assess the patient’s suitability for the procedure and to discuss aesthetic goals. A detailed history and physical examination are performed. INFORMED CONSENT Risks, benefits, and alternatives are discussed in detail with the patient, and written informed consent is obtained. PREPARATION Our team will give you detailed instructions regarding the pre-operative preparation needed customized to your personal medical history. On the day of surgery, you will be prepared for surgery, including the administration of either local anaesthesia with sedation or general anaesthesia, depending on the individual case. INCISION PLANNING Dr Sandeep will mark the degree of lift planned during surgery in consultation with you just prior to surgery. Dr Sandeep and his team mark the areas where incisions will be made. These are typically located within the hairline above the temples to minimize visible scarring. MAKING THE INCISIONS Small incisions are made along the planned lines, usually hidden within the hairline for discretion. TISSUE REPOSITIONING Through these incisions, Dr Sandeep lifts and repositions the tissues and muscles of the forehead and outer eyebrow area. SKIN TIGHTENING Any excess skin may be trimmed, and the remaining skin is redraped and tightened to achieve a smooth, natural-looking brow and forehead area. SUTURING The incisions are carefully closed with sutures, and the area may be bandaged to minimize swelling and support the new brow position. RECOVERY You will be moved to a recovery room for monitoring. Instructions for post-operative care, including wound care and pain management, are provided. FOLLOW-UP Patients return for follow-up appointments to monitor healing and assess the results. Any stitches or staples are usually removed within a week or two. Dr Sandeep and his team emphasize the importance of following all pre-operative and post-operative instructions to ensure the best possible outcome. They provide comprehensive care at every stage, from initial consultation to final follow-up, ensuring that patients are well-informed and comfortable throughout the process. POTENTIAL RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS OF TEMPORAL BROWLIFT Like any surgical procedure, a temporal brow lift carries certain risks and potential complications. Some of the risks associated with a temporal brow lift include: UNSATISFACTORY RESULTS As with any cosmetic procedure, there is the possibility that the desired aesthetic outcome may not be achieved, or the patient may be dissatisfied with the results, such as asymmetry or an unnatural appearance. INFECTION Any surgical procedure carries a risk

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Endoscopic Brow Lift

ENDOSCOPIC BROW LIFT Dr Sandeep and his team are specialists in advanced facial rejuvenation techniques, including endoscopic brow lifts. This minimally invasive procedure has gained popularity for its effectiveness in elevating the brow and reducing the appearance of forehead wrinkles, while also offering quicker recovery times compared to traditional methods. Here is a detailed look at how Dr Sandeep and his team typically perform an endoscopic brow lift: PROCEDURE PREOPERATIVE CONSULTATION The journey begins with an in-depth consultation where Dr Sandeep assesses the patient’s facial structure, skin quality, and aesthetic goals. A detailed medical history is taken to determine your suitability for surgery. This is followed by a thorough physical and aesthetic evaluation to plan surgery. This session is crucial for customising the surgical approach and for setting realistic expectations. INFORMED CONSENT Risks, benefits, and alternatives are discussed in detail with you, and written informed consent is obtained. ANESTHESIA Prior to the procedure, anaesthesia is administered to ensure the patient’s comfort. The options usually include local anaesthesia with sedation or general anaesthesia, based on the patient’s medical history and Dr Sandeep’s recommendations. INCISION AND ENTRY POINTS In an endoscopic brow lift, Dr Sandeep makes several small incisions, typically three to five, hidden within the hairline. This approach minimises visible scarring. INSERTION OF THE ENDOSCOPE A tiny camera (endoscope) is then inserted through one of the incisions, allowing Dr Sandeep and his team to have a clear view of the underlying muscle and tissue structure on a monitor. Illustration showing the incisionsused for endoscopic browlift. TISSUE AND MUSCLE MANIPULATION Using special instruments inserted through the other incisions, the forehead tissue is carefully lifted, and the muscles that cause frown lines may be weakened or removed. The brows are then repositioned to achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. FIXATION Once the desired elevation and positioning are achieved, the tissue may be secured using anchors and sutures to maintain the lift. CLOSURE The incisions are then meticulously closed with sutures and staples, sometimes surgical adhesive is applied for additional security. POST-OPERATIVE CARE Dr Sandeep and his team provide thorough post-operative care instructions, including how to manage swelling and discomfort, and how to care for the incisions to minimise scarring. FOLLOW-UP Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor the healing process and to assess the results. Any concerns or complications are promptly addressed. By adhering with unwavering dedication to all pre-operative and post-operative instructions, you can ensure your journey towards optimal healing. It remains of utmost significance to attend all scheduled follow-up appointments, ensuring that your recovery is woven seamlessly, and any concerns are addressed with swiftness and in a timely fashion. ADVANTAGES OF ENDOSCOPIC BROWLIFT An endoscopic brow lift is a modern approach to traditional brow lifting techniques, offering several advantages over traditional methods. This aligns with Dr Sandeep’s and his team’s focus, making it a preferred choice for many patients. SUITABLE FOR VARIOUS AGE GROUPS Can be performed on younger patients who have premature signs of aging or older individuals who want to rejuvenate their appearance. In addition to revitalizing the appearance of the forehead and eyes, the procedure may enhance the upper field of vision in patients with drooping eyelid skin. MINIMALLY INVASIVE The procedure requires only small incisions hidden within the hairline, leading to less scarring and quicker healing. Unlike traditional brow lifts, which require a larger incision across the scalp, an endoscopic brow lift involves 3-5 small incisions made behind the forehead hairline. REAL-TIME VISUALIZATION During the procedure, a small camera attached to an endoscope (a thin, flexible tube with a light and camera at the end) is inserted through one of the incisions to guide Dr Sandeep as he repositions the tissues and muscles in the forehead and brow area. Dr Sandeep can then see the internal structures of the forehead and brow area on a monitor and make precise adjustments using specialized instruments. NATURAL-LOOKING RESULTS The endoscopic technique allows for precise adjustments, leading to more natural and subtle outcomes compared to more invasive methods. PRESERVATION OF HAIRLINE Unlike some traditional methods, the endoscopic brow lift doesn’t alter the position of the hairline. This procedure is especially suited for patients with low-to-medium hairlines with lax forehead skin. LOCAL ANAESTHESIA The procedure can often be performed under local anaesthesia, reducing the risks associated with general anaesthesia. LESS BRUISING AND SWELLING Smaller incisions result in less post-operative bruising and swelling. LONG LASTING RESULTS In Dr Sandeep’s experienced hands, the results are as long-lasting as those achieved through more invasive techniques. REDUCED RECOVERY TIME Most patients experience a faster recovery compared to traditional brow lift methods, often resuming normal activities within a week. LOWER RISK OF COMPLICATIONS The endoscopic approach minimizes the risk of infection, nerve damage, and other complications, thanks to smaller incisions and less tissue manipulation under direct vision. COMPLEMENTARY TO OTHER PROCEDURES Can be easily combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures, such as eyelid surgery or facelifts, for a more comprehensive result. DISADVANTAGES OF ENDOSCOPIC BROW LIFT While the endoscopic brow lift offers many advantages, it’s important to understand its limitations as well. Dr Sandeep and his team would typically discuss the following disadvantages during a consultation: LIMITED LIFTING The endoscopic method may not provide as dramatic a lift as traditional, more invasive methods like a coronal lift, especially for patients with severe sagging. NOT SUITABLE FOR ALL While an endoscopic brow lift offers many advantages, it’s not suitable for everyone. Here are some factors that might make an individual an unsuitable candidate for this procedure: SIGNIFICANT SKIN LAXITY Patients with a large amount of excess forehead skin might not achieve the desired results with an endoscopic brow lift. These individuals might require a traditional or open brow lift to remove the excess skin. VERY HIGH HAIRLINE OR RECEDING HAIRLINE The incisions for an endoscopic brow lift are made within the hairline. If a patient has a very high or receding hairline, the scars might be more visible. PROMINENT FOREHEAD CURVATURE The incisions for an endoscopic

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Coronal Brow Lift

CORONAL BROW LIFT A coronal brow lift, also known as a traditional brow lift or an open brow lift, is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to raise and tighten the sagging or drooping eyebrows and forehead skin. This is considered a gold standard technique that is used to address the signs of aging in the upper part of the face, particularly the forehead, eyebrows, and the area around the eyes. CORONAL BROW LIFT SURGICAL PROCEDURE Dr Sandeep and his team are well-versed in a variety of surgical techniques designed to rejuvenate and enhance the upper face and eyes. Here is a detailed explanation of the procedure: PREOPERATIVE CONSULTATION Before embarking on the surgical journey, Dr Sandeep and his team invest time in a thorough consultation with each client. They review medical history, discuss aesthetic goals, and outline the risks and benefits of the procedure. Their meticulous attention to detail ensures that clients are well-informed and comfortable with their decision to proceed. MEDICAL HISTORY REVIEW The team reviews your medical history to ensure they are a suitable candidate for the procedure. INFORMED CONSENT Risks, benefits, and alternatives are discussed in detail with the client, and written informed consent is obtained. PREOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS Detailed guidelines are provided to the client to prepare them for surgery. ANESTHESIA AND SAFETY Client safety is paramount for Dr Sandeep and his team. Depending on the client’s needs and the extent of the procedure, local anaesthesia with sedation or general anaesthesia is administered. The procedure is typically performed under general anaesthesia, administered by a board-certified anaesthetist. The surgical suite that out team uses is equipped with the latest technology to monitor client vitals and ensure a safe surgical environment. INCISION PLANNING In a coronal brow lift, an incision is made across the top of the head, running from ear to ear, hidden within the hairline. MUSCLE AND TISSUE ADJUSTMENT During the coronal lift, Dr Sandeep carefully lifts the forehead skin and the underlying muscles. The underlying frontalis muscles are tightened to achieve a more youthful and elevated appearance. This can help reduce the appearance of forehead wrinkles, frown lines, and sagging eyebrows. SKIN REDRAPING The skin is then redraped, and any excess skin is removed. By lifting the brow area, the eyes may appear more open and refreshed, and the forehead may appear smoother and more youthful. IMMEDIATE AFTERCARE Following the surgery, clients are closely monitored in a dedicated recovery room. SUTURE PLACEMENT The incision is closed with sutures and staples, which are designed to lie within the hairline. POSTOPERATIVE CARE Dr Sandeep and his team provide comprehensive postoperative instructions and are readily available for any queries or concerns. Their commitment to client care extends well beyond the operating room, making sure that the recovery process is as smooth as possible. POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS Guidelines for cleaning the incision, managing discomfort, and other post-surgical care are provided. FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENTS Scheduled meetings with Dr Sandeep and his team are arranged to monitor healing and remove sutures. RESULTS The outcomes from a coronal brow lift can be transformative. Dr Sandeep’s expertise in facial anatomy and unique surgical technique ensures that clients enjoy long-lasting results, restoring a youthful contour to the brow and a refreshed appearance overall. REVIEW AND FINAL OUTCOME Once the healing process is complete, a final assessment is done to ensure the client is satisfied with the results. With a blend of skill, compassion, and scientific understanding, Dr Sandeep and his team provide a memorable experience for those seeking facial rejuvenation through a coronal brow lift. ADVANTAGE OF CORONAL BROW LIFT Dr Sandeep and his team often discuss the numerous advantages of a coronal brow lift with prospective clients. They believe that an informed client is a satisfied client, and they take great care to explain the benefits of this procedure. NATURAL AND LONG-LASTING RESULTS This technique provides a more natural lift to the forehead and eyebrows. One of the most compelling advantages of the gold standard coronal brow lift is the longevity of the results. Dr Sandeep’s precise surgical technique ensures that the lifted brow and smoothed forehead can last for many years, providing a youthful and refreshed appearance over an extended period. COMPREHENSIVE LIFTING The coronal brow lift is known for its ability to achieve a comprehensive lift of the entire forehead and brow region. Dr Sandeep’s expertise allows him to adjust the height and contour of the brow, creating a more harmonious and balanced facial appearance to meet your specific aesthetic desires. REDUCTION OF WRINKLES AND FROWN LINES The procedure is highly effective in reducing or eliminating forehead wrinkles and frown lines. Through careful manipulation of the skin and underlying tissue, Dr Sandeep and his team can create a smoother, more youthful-looking forehead. HIDDEN INCISIONS The incision for a coronal brow lift is strategically placed within the hairline, making it less visible once healed. Dr Sandeep’s skill in suturing ensures minimal scarring, which is usually well-concealed by the client’s hair. COMBINATION PROCEDURES It can be easily combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures like eyelid surgery or facelifts. IMPROVED FACIAL SYMMETRY By adjusting the position of the brows, Dr Sandeep can improve facial symmetry, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the face. This not only boosts the client’s appearance but often also contributes to increased self-confidence. CUSTOMISATION Given the comprehensive nature of the consultation process, Dr Sandeep and his team can tailor the coronal brow lift to meet individual aesthetic goals. Whether the client desires a subtle lift or a more dramatic change, the procedure can be customised accordingly. SAFETY The surgical suite that we use is equipped with modern technology to ensure client safety. With a board-certified anaesthetist on hand, the procedure is conducted with the highest standards of care. In summary, the coronal brow lift offers a range of advantages that contribute to its popularity among Dr Sandeep’s clients. Through skilled surgical technique and meticulous planning, Dr Sandeep and his team provide exceptional results, enhancing both appearance and quality of life. Over the years,

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