Lip Lift Procedure
LIP LIFT An upper lip lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to reduce the distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose. The goal is to achieve a more youthful appearance of the upper lip and enhance the visibility of the upper teeth when smiling. A lip lift can reverse the tell-tale signs of ageing and often leads to a significant boost in self-confidence and self-esteem. Dr Sandeep and his team are experts in the field of facial aesthetic procedures, including lip lifts. When it comes to the incision involved in a lip lift, Dr Sandeep adopts a meticulous approach to ensure minimal scarring and optimal results. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire process for lip lift, from consultation to aftercare. LIP LIFT SURGICAL PROCEDURE PRE-OPERATIVE CONSULTATION Medical History: Dr Sandeep will review your medical history, including any previous surgeries, allergies, and medications you’re currently taking. Discussion: You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your aesthetic goals and expectations. This is the time to ask any questions you may have. Physical Examination: A detailed examination of your facial anatomy and ageing related changes will be performed to understand the specifics of your case. INFORMED CONSENT Risks, benefits, and alternatives are discussed in detail with the client, and written informed consent is obtained. ANAESTHESIA Local Anaesthesia: If only lip lift is being performed it can be performed under local anaesthesia which numbs the specific area where the procedure will take place. General Anesthesia: Puts you to sleep for the duration of the procedure. General anaesthesia is preferred if lip lift is combined with a face lift or other facial rejuvenation procedures. INCISION PLANNING There are various techniques for making the incision, but the most commonly employed are the “bullhorn” or “gullwing” incisions, which are made along the natural crease at the base of the nose. This allows for the concealment of any potential scars. SKIN REMOVAL AND TIGHTENING During the consultation Dr Sandeep will discuss the amount of excess skin that will be removed based on pre-determined measurements. The amount of skin to be excised will be accurately marked on the lip prior to surgery. Dr Sandeep is highly skilled in determining the ideal length, depth, and positioning of the incision to achieve the desired lift while minimizing risks. MUSCLE ADJUSTMENT Minor adjustments may be made to the orbicularis oris muscle in the lip for better results. SUTURING The incision is usually closed with sutures that are either dissolvable or need to be removed. POST-OPERATIVE CARE Dr Sandeep and his team are diligent in post-operative care, providing detailed instructions on how to manage swelling and discomfort, as well as how to care for the incision site to promote healing and reduce the visibility of any scarring. Ice Packs: To manage swelling. Soft Diet: Recommended for a few days post-surgery. Oral Antibiotics: May be prescribed to prevent infection. FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENTS: FOR MONITORING RECOVERY AND DISCUSSING ANY CONCERNS. Suture Removal: If non-dissolvable sutures are used, they are removed 7 days after surgery. Touch-up Procedures: Rarely, some clients may require additional minor touch-up procedures for fine-tuning of the results. ADVANTAGE OF LIP LIFT Dr Sandeep and his team are well-versed in the myriad benefits that a lip lift procedure can offer. When clients consult with them, they are provided with a comprehensive understanding of how a lip lift can enhance their facial aesthetics. Here are some advantages of the procedure, as outlined by Dr Sandeep and his expert team: IMPROVED PROPORTION AND BALANCE One of the primary benefits of a lip lift is that it can improve the proportion and balance between the upper lip and other facial features. This creates a more harmonious and youthful appearance. REDUCED PHILTRUM LENGTH Some people have a long philtrum (the space between the upper lip and the base of the nose), either due to ageing or due to their natural lip anatomy. A lip lift can effectively shorten this distance, contributing to a younger and fresher look. ENHANCED TOOTH SHOW A subtle but appealing advantage of a lip lift is the slight exposure of the upper teeth when the mouth is slightly open or during speech, which is often considered a sign of youth and vitality. PERMANENT RESULTS Unlike dermal fillers, which require periodic maintenance, a lip lift offers a permanent solution to a thin or elongated upper lip. NATURAL LOOK Dr Sandeep aims for a natural look, avoiding the ‘overdone’ appearance that can sometimes result from dermal fillers. The lip lift procedure lifts the client’s own tissue, which tends to result in a more natural texture and contour. QUICK RECOVERY The procedure is generally performed under local anaesthesia and is relatively quick, with most clients experiencing a swift recovery period. If the procedure is performed in combination with a facelift, a general anaesthesia is usually employed. BOOSTED SELF-CONFIDENCE Finally, but certainly not least, the aesthetic improvements achieved through a lip lift often leads to a significant boost in self-confidence and self-esteem. For anyone considering a lip lift, a consultation with Dr Sandeep and his team is the first step towards understanding how this procedure can meet individual aesthetic goals. They are committed to providing personalised care and expert guidance throughout the entire process. POTENTIAL RISKS AND DISADVANTAGE OF LIP LIFT Dr Sandeep and his team believe in providing a balanced and comprehensive overview of any procedure, including lip lift. While the advantages are numerous, it’s equally important to understand the potential downsides. Here are some of the disadvantages that Dr Sandeep and his expert team usually discuss with their clients: SCARRING RISK Even though Dr Sandeep utilises advanced techniques to minimise scarring, there is always a risk of scar formation, particularly if the client has a history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring. Dr Sandeep advises sun avoidance and prescribes silicone gel and sun block to help achieve an imperceptible scar. DOWNTIME AND RECOVERY Though the recovery period is typically short, some swelling, bruising, and discomfort can be expected. This
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